Melina Mercouri
In Politics
Activist. Politician. Minister of Culture. Greek.
Amsterdam 1968 - Fighting against the Greek Junta
Photographer: Nijs, Jac. de / Anefo
Amsterdam 1968 - Fighting against the Greek Junta
Photographer: Nijs, Jac. de / Anefo
Amsterdam 1968 - Fighting against the Greek Junta
Photographer: Nijs, Jac. de / Anefo
at Acropolis metro station in Athens, Greece
fighting the Greek Junta - from Eikones magazine
fighting the Greek Junta - from Tachydromos magazine
Fighting the Greek Junta - London - 1967
Fighting the Greek Junta - London - 1967
Press Conference at Logan Airport 1967
I was born Greek, 1971, Melina's answer to the Greek Junta when they took away her Greek citizenship
Fighting the Greek Junta, exiled, here in Sweeden - from Tachydromos magazine
Fighting the Greek Junta with music albums
Fighting the Greek Junta with music albums
Fighting the Greek Junta with music albums
from Tachydromos magazine
Melina and Olof Palme, 1968 - source: lemondedekitchi.blogspot.com
Concert for Aliente with George Dalaras
In a concert in Athens after the fall of the Greek Junta
Dialogues with Melina Mercouri, a documentary for Cyrpurs, 1975
Campaigning for the Greek Elections
Campaigning for the Greek Elections
from Eikones magazine
with Jules Dassin
Melina Mercouri
Melina Mercouri
in a Book Festival. Book Festivals was one of her achievements as a Minister of Culture
Elections Campaign - from Eikones magazine
Eurobasket 1987, Athens, as Minister of Culture & sports - from istorikesphotografies blogspot
Fighting for the return of the Parthenon Marmbles - 1982- from theacropolismuseum.gr
Honoring the Polytechnio heroes - 1993
Melina Mercouri
Campaigning - from Ethnos newspaper
Phone Paycard by OTE - source: Vendora
Stamps 1 year after her death - source: stamps-gr.blogspot.com
Fighting for the return of the Parthenon Marmbles - from Tachydromos magazine